Every Life Matters, every second counts.

  • 24hr immediate ambulance service response.
  • Access to DAS airport wellness lounge
  • Unlimited 24hr medical advice and assistance.
  • Access to both road and air ambulances
  • 24hr Toll free call center: 991.
  • Priority access to advanced medical care during transportation and hospitalization.
  • Speedy and discrete transfer for high profile clients.
  • Unlimited evacuations per year within Zimbabwe
  • Access to a network of specialists for comprehensive medical support.

The following is underwritten by FBC

  • Hospital Cash Plan at US$5000 for adults and US$3000 for children per year
  • A pay out of US$100 for adults and $60 for children per day spent in hospital on admission with a maximum of $500 and US$300 respectively per event (T&C)
  • Funeral Cash back of $2000 for both adults and children

Premium Package

  • $10.00 / month for adults (18+ years)
  • $5.00 / month for children

Member Information

Main Member:

Marital Status: